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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Monday, July 18, 2005

U.S. TV Networks Largely Ignoring Genocide in Darfur

U.S. TV Networks Largely Ignoring Genocide in Darfur, Covering Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart Instead - Yahoo! News

"'During June 2005, CNN, FOX News, NBC/MSNBC, ABC, and CBS ran 50 times as many stories about Michael Jackson and 12 times as many stories about Tom Cruise as they did about the genocide in Darfur,'' the campaign said, citing the private Tyndall Report, which monitors broadcast media.

Last year, the ABC, CBS, and NBC network nightly newscasts aired a total of only 26 minutes on genocide and fighting in Sudan, the Tyndall Report found. ABC devoted 18 minutes to Darfur coverage, NBC five and CBS only three. By contrast, lifestyle doyenne
Martha Stewart's woes received 130 minutes of nightly news coverage.

''Stated differently, only about one in every 950 minutes of news coverage in 2004 covered the genocide in Sudan,'' campaigners said."

Yep, the whole point of it is to lead you around like sheep, drawing your attention away from anything important. As a rule, any time I see the media becoming obsessed with some nonsense stories, ones that don't affect anyone other than the few people involved, but for some reason are constantly and repeatedly pushing all other news to the background, if not completely off the radar, I start looking in the opposite direction. It's at these times, when the media is spending way too much time on tabloid crap, that the power-hungry, seeing you all drooling and staring at the "shiny objects", take the opportunity to pull fast ones, knowing that even if it does get reported, it will still be overshadowed and drowned out by the nonsense. And you fall for, and except it.



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