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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Top Al Qaeda Figures Held in Secret CIA Prisons

"Two CIA secret prisons were operating in Eastern Europe until last month when they were shut down following Human Rights Watch reports of their existence in Poland and Romania."

"Current and former CIA officers speaking to ABC News on the condition of confidentiality say the United States scrambled to get all the suspects off European soil before Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived there today. The officers say 11 top al Qaeda suspects have now been moved to a new CIA facility in the North African desert."

More ass-covering going on here. They hide the "evidence" just in time for our Secretary of States' arrival, so she can deny everything. In an earlier post I made a suggestion of the possibility that the CIA may have had secret permission from certain EU member states to run their prisons. Since then, reports have spread that it's a real probability. Now that the word is out, we have to spirit our "suspects" away so we can say, "What prisons?", "What suspects?", and "What torture?".

Do we still have any credibility left for anyone to believe anything we say? Does the clan in the White House really think that repeating the same slogans over and over again, will cause people to begin to think the lies they tell, are really the truth? I'm not a politician, nor journalist, so I don't have to use the polite word; 'mislead'. As far as I'm concerned, when you tell me one thing, and something else proves true, I just call you a liar and be done with it.

If you are in charge, but all you do is blame others when things under your control fall apart, you're an incompetent leader. If everyone in your inner circle have proven to be liars, and your political supporters are filling the air with scandals that could (should) bring prison terms, and you're allied with religious fanatics, some of whom are determind to drag scientific advancement back into the Dark Ages, then I think it time for the more rational segments of our society to stand up and do what's necessary; VOTE America back where it belongs.

All the marches that have taken place, have failed to impress those in power. All of the polls, showing disapproval, have failed to impress them. World leaders have also failed. But it really falls on us, We The People, to do what we're supposed to do, and vote out the incompetents, the liars, the fanatics, the criminals, and those with absolutely no respect for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But don't just blindly vote for the other party or an independant, demand all sides stop trading recriminations and come up with a plan to reverse the trends begun by this administration. Don't be afraid to vote for decent Republicans that aren't incompetent criminal liars, they aren't the problem. As voters, we need to do a better job of finding, and weeding out all those (of any party) with hidden agendas that work against our best interests. There are elections coming next year, start researching politicians' backgrounds, and do your duty as an American citizen.



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