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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Roberts urges pay raises for judges

"Chief Justice John Roberts picked up where his late predecessor had left off, declaring in his first year-end report that the problem of pay for judges "has gotten worse, not better."

"The remarks came in a nine-page assessment of the federal judiciary, a tradition for chief justices begun 30 years ago."

"Roberts, who took over leadership of the high court in late September, used strong language to urge Congress to boost judicial salaries. He called current pay levels "a direct threat to judicial independence."

Isn't this a bitch. Just like a true Conservative. A true Republican. A member of a party that claims to want smaller government, couldn't wait to lobby for government pay raises. I'm sure the Republican Congress will oblige.

Why do people still believe that rhetoric about smaller government from Republicans. Isn't it clear after all these years that they're no different from Democrats when it comes to spending money? Isn't the hypocracy transparent enough by now that whenever these small-government advocates get into positions of authority, government size and expenditures grow ten fold? The only difference between them and the Dems, is in which programs get targeted for cuts and which ones get damn near unlimited funding. The end result is alway the same; bigger government.

Generally, the only difference bettween the parties is that one seeks only self-benefit (more money for them and their corporate backers, and less for those that need help), while the other uses money to keep the needy, in need, so as to maintain a voter base (oh, yeah, and the self-benefit thing, too). Exaggeration you say? Well that's exactly how it works out in the end.

The two-party system no longer works for the public interest (assuming it ever did). We need at least a third one, and maybe a fouth or fifth. We need a new party that actually believes in smaller government. One that believes that big business can take care of itself, and focus only on those that really need help. One that gives the most attention to issues at home, instead of meddling in the political affairs of other countries on behalf of big business interests (you know, like oil in the mid-east, fruit in South America, etc,. Certainly one that doesn't seek global domination, but instead helps the helpless to better themselves, here at home, first. One that creates a law preventing any government officials from receiving any raise in pay unless or until budgets are in balance (hint, hint).



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