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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


On this page you can watch or read the transcript of the speech if you missed it. You can check out previous State of the Unions here as well.

I'd thought about giving a point by point rebuttal to all the points he made, but decided not to bother. It's not worth trouble, and most of my previous posts have already done that. It would also make this the longest post I've ever made in this blog, and that's saying something. Still....

Everything he's said, has already been exposed as hypocracy and lies regarding U.S. intentions abroad. Everything he's said about making American strong at home, has already been shown not as meaning "the American people", but American corporate interests, which in turn, has lowered the standard of living for the people by taking hundreds of thousands of good jobs and moving them to countries with cheap labor and no environmental protections. Everythings he's said about terrorism makes us out to be completely innocent by-standers to insane fanatical extremists that hate us only because of our freedoms, when we in fact create the conditions that give rise to the desperation that leads people to believe that their only recourse is armed insurection. He derides them for killing innocent women and children, while taking no responsibility for our doing the same. Collateral damage doesn't count. And as for our freedoms, the only people threatening them, are those in our own government. No terrorist can affect our freedoms, yet too many here fall for that line, accepting the removal of our freedoms by those that claim to promote and defend them.

He did make a good speech, particularly on domestic issues, unfortunately his proposals, past and present, always end up helping the already prosperous, and leaving those in need, to fend for themselves, like the Katrina victims. He says the economy's doing great, but that's only for the wealthy. All I got out of his speech is that he'll "stay the course", both at home and abroad, furthering the decline of the middle-class, and making life for the rich, much much richer. It was nothing but a pep rally for the party faithful, and the pitifully deluded.

And that Democratic response was just a total waste of air time.



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