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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Ford sued over Argentine abuses

"Former workers of an Argentine Ford factory are suing the firm over what they say were serious abuses during the military rule of the 1970s and 80s."

"They say local managers conspired with the security forces to have union members taken to a detention centre on the premises, where they were tortured."

"Ford has in the past denied torture took place on its property."

"Several foreign firms have been probed by the Truth Commission, which said abductions of union members did occur."

Another example of the history of corporate complicity in crimes committed against the people of South America. It should come as no surprise, since the "Dirty War" in Argentina was endorsed by our own government:

"At the height of the Argentine military junta's bloody ''dirty war'' against leftists in the 1970s, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told the Argentine foreign minister that ''we would like you to succeed,'' a newly declassified U.S. document reveals."

"The transcript of the meeting between Kissinger and Navy Adm. César Augusto Guzzetti in New York on Oct. 7, 1976, is the first documentary evidence that the Gerald Ford administration approved of the junta's harsh tactics, which led to the deaths or ''disappearance'' of some 30,000 people from 1975 to 1983."

This is just a reminder of the pattern exhibited by our government and corporations that have led to so much misery and suffering around the world, perpetrated by our "allies" on their own people. It shows how any excuse about human rights violations is never the real reason we may decide to use political or military force on another country. In fact, it's never been a consideration. The pattern existed long before and long after Argentinas' "Dirty War", which shows how ridiculous our governments' "concern" for the people of Iraq under their former ruler is, whenever we're told it was one of the reasons we went to war. It all just depends on whether or not a government complies with our geopolitical and corporate goals. As long as they support us in our political and economic strategies, we care nothing about how they treat their own. It renders mute, any insulting claims that anyone hates us just for our Freedoms. If they hate us, it's because they know how big a hand we've had in eliminating their freedoms.



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