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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

PBS Frontline: Sex Slaves

"An undercover journey deep into the world of sex trafficking, following one man determined to rescue his wife -- kidnapped and sold into the global sex trade."

I just watched this PBS program, and it pisses me off that women still get treated this way. PBS has done a number of other programs that have highlighted this bullshit that stays on the very bottom of the priority list for every government in the world. Sometimes I can't even watch a complete show about this and other forms of brutality that happen to so many women in the world, even here in the U.S.. Often, when there's a movie scene where a woman is brutalized, I can't watch it.

Now, I've been no angel in my life. I seen and participated in a lot of violence in my life, but I could never hurt a woman. This just makes me sick. I wasn't raised around any violence against women. Quite the opposite, I was raised to love and respect them. In my younger days, with the group I used to hang with, if we heard that someone mistreated their wife or girlfriend, we'd go teach'em a lesson. The only thing that struck me as odd, was that sometimes the woman would try to defend the bastard that was beating on them. I learned later why they would defend those bastards, the damage was so much deeper than a bruise.

I've never used a prostitute, but I've known some, and every one was damaged. Their souls were damaged. The ones I knew weren't forced into it like the women in the PBS program, but every one got into it because of how they were treated and made to feel about themselves and their lives, by the men they'd known. They'd all been abused sexually, at a very young age, by either their own fathers, step-fathers, or other male relatives or 'family friends'. Nobody helped them. Some tried to tell their mothers, or police, and were further abused by being accused of "asking for it". Yeah, even by their own mothers, who blamed them, then looked the other way and did nothing to protect their child.

pisses me off



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