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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush Brandishes Jail Time at Critics

"Over the past five-plus years, the American people have gotten a taste of what a triumphant George W. Bush is like, as he basked in high approval ratings and asserted virtually unlimited powers as Commander in Chief. Now, the question is: How will Bush and his inner circle behave when cornered?"

"So far, the answer should send chills through today’s weakened American Republic. Bush and his team – faced with plunging poll numbers and cascading disclosures of wrongdoing – appear determined to punish and criminalize resistance to their regime."

This article chronicles the responses of the administration and their media and party henchmen towards those true patriots who understand their duty is to their country first, and to their criminal leaders last. It shows that whenever misdeeds are exposed, it is the messenger who gets attacked, from all sides, to change the issue from possible criminal activity by the government, to accusations of treason and sedition on those who dare refuse to allow anti-American principals used by our government to go unspoken and unchallenged.

Those who lived through, or grew up in the shadow of World War II will remember just how adamant the victorious allies were, that "just following orders", used by the Germans, was no excuse!! We all need to remember that now, more that ever, and support and encourage anyone with knowledge of ANY government crimes, to do their duty to the American people. We already know exactly where blind loyalty and submissive obedience to ones' leaders can take us. Let's not go there without one hell of a fight.



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