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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Monday, October 24, 2005

CBS News | Poll: Majority Reject Evolution

CBS News | Poll: Majority Reject Evolution: "Poll: Majority Reject Evolution"

Hmm, that's sound pretty conclusive, doesn't it? Let's read on............

"Most Americans do not accept the theory of evolution. Instead, 51 percent of Americans say God created humans in their present form, and another three in 10 say that while humans evolved, God guided the process. Just 15 percent say humans evolved, and that God was not involved."

"These views are similar to what they were in November 2004 shortly after the presidential election."

Well there you have it folks. belief in evolution is waning, to be replaced by what, "Intelligent Design"?

Hey wait......something's not quite right here!! Here's what they say at the end of the article...........

"This poll was conducted among a nationwide random sample of 808 adults, interviewed by telephone October 3-5, 2005. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus four percentage points."

Ummm.... Now, accoring to the U.S. Census Bureau, at this moment, the population here is 297,502,038. Almost 300 million people, and CBS believes that a mere 808 random people are representitive of a nation this size???

Now if you've read a few of my posts, you know I don't think much of the media. I believe they're as much in the manipulation of the masses business as is government, so as far as I'm concerned, this is just another effort to help promote religious dominance in America. The rightious have been trying for a long time to knock evolution out of the way, in favor of Creationism, even to the extent of downplaying the religous aspect of creation by calling it Intelligent Design.

This little "news poll" is just another shot fired in the war for the hearts and minds of our kids. To move us closer to an age where all our laws are based on biblical law, and you know what it means to be governed by a theocracy don't you? Not only are there current examples around the world, examples also abound throughout history. When a nation is ruled by religion, there is no tolerance for anything, or anyone, that doesn't conform. There is no freedom of anything, or of any kind. You can only do what was "written" long ago, and that's that. No appeals.



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