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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Thursday, October 27, 2005

WNY Media Network - VIDEO: "The Nexus of Politics and Terror"

Ahhh yes!! I was not surprised when, as soon as the Katrina coverage began to disapate, we started getting "Terror Threats". Bogus terror threats. I knew that with all the problems Bush was having in regards to the scandals of his cronies, Iraq, Governmental incompetence in dealing with the huricane aftermath, and constant mention of his ever slipping approval ratings, that a "distraction" was just around the corner. I certainly wasn't disappointed. In the waning days of Katrina coverage, there were those (few) in the media who were noting that whenever terrorism was in the news, Bushs' approval rating would rise. Within days, there was an alleged threat to the New York subway system. Mere coincidence?

This site lists the last 13 times we've been subjected to phony terror threats. Now, as the article states, these could simply be coincedences, but it didn't escape my notice during those times, that there never seemed to be unsubstantiated terror threats, until after some scandal involving the White House began affecting approval ratings.



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