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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Sunday, November 27, 2005

GOP Leaders to Bush: 'Your Presidency is Effectively Over'

"A growing number of Republican leaders, party strategists and political professional now privately tell President George W. Bush that his presidency "is effectively over" unless he fires embattled White House advisor Karl Rove, apologizes to the American people for misleading the country into war and revamps his administration from top to bottom."

It's good to see the Republicans trying to reign in the little monster they created, but read our Presidents' response........

"Bush, however, has dug his heels in on Rove. When a GOP strategist suggested last weekend that the President fire Rove, Bush exploded.

"You go to hell," he screamed at the strategist. "You can leave and you can take the rest of these lily-livered motherfuckers with you!" The President then stormed out of the room and refused to meet further with any other party leaders or strategists."

"Bush's escalating temper tantrums and his intransigence on political issues increase Republican worries about the long term effects on both his presidency and the party's prospects in upcoming elections."

Well, I can't see him acquiescing to any of the other suggestions either. Don't forget, when once asked if he listens to any advice from his father, Bush sr., he replied that he listens to a higher father. He's a man on a mission, and has no intention of veering off his course. Even though he's leaving an ever-growing trail of failed policies, and corruption, he still believes he's in the right.

Little by little though, many more Republicans are begining (what took them so long?) to realize that Bush and his inner circle, are not true Republican conservatives, and are doing more damage than good. Half of the country, that never thought Bush was any good, and constantly pointed to a wealth of reasons, had been consistantly ridiculed by his party, and those Evangelicals that have see him as a ticket to Theocracy. Hopefully, reason will return to the Republican party, but not until they purge themselves of this little fanatic that will leave a legacy of failure on every decision he's made. And not until they purge themselves of those non-conservative neocons, and shove them back to the fringes where they belong.



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