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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Iraq on the Record

"Prepared at the direction of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Iraq on the Record is a searchable collection of 237 specific misleading statements made by Bush Administration officials about the threat posed by Iraq. It contains statements that were misleading based on what was known to the Administration at the time the statements were made. It does not include statements that appear mistaken only in hindsight. If a statement was an accurate reflection of U.S. intelligence at the time it was made, it was excluded even if it now appears erroneous."

This site should clear up any questions about the fact that the administration purposely misled the world about Iraq.

And just to add to the current debate; notice how they are trying to say that Democrats and others received the same intelligence they did? That's an outright lie, because Presidents always get the latest intelligence everyday. It's only after that, that the President then informs others outside the Whitehouse, if he so choses. This means that anyone outside the Cabinet is totally reliant on what the Whitehouse tells them. The lie is that Bush chose to disseminate the intel he received minus all the misgivings from his, as well as many foreign intelligence services, as to the quality and accuracy of the information received from their sources. When the administration presented it's case against Iraq, using phrases like; "We know for a fact...", we now know that they did not "know for a fact", but that is how they presented the case to all those they now accuse of trying to "re-write history".

If you lie to a few people to get them to go along with you, and they, trusting your word, repeat the lie to everyone else, once the lie is exposed, only you are to blame. And, as his low approval ratings show, only his most diehard, fanatical, true believers, still believe.



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