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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

God Hates America -- A Warning to the USA!!!

"The Westboro Baptist Church used to pray for the good of America, knowing that God's blessings are mighty and His hand could be stayed from punishing this wicked nation, just as He stayed His hand from punishing Nineveh. America chose to spit in the face of their Creator, instead of heeding WBC's warnings, and now it is too late to pray for this nation."

"It is a sin NOT to take pleasure in the wrathful out pourings of God's justice on this nation. "The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked" (Ps. 58:10)."

My local TV station ran a story on these creeps last night. Their "pleasure in the wrathful out pourings of God's justice" includes picketing at the funerals of dead U.S. servicemen and women, and shouting that they've all gone to hell (and so is everyone else, except themselves). Pure lunacy, but what can be expected from the ones who run GodHatesFags.com.

These morons believe that God is punishing the U.S. for it's tolerance of homosexuals, and are actually happy about the deaths of each soldier killed because they believe it to be Gods' punishment. Really sick, but just how far away are they from the other right-wing conservative (so-called) Christians? Not very far at all.

Fortunately they're still a small group from Kansas (where else), but all movements start out small someplace. The reason I posted this is to show that Islam has no patent on vile extremism. These people are only a step or two beyond people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, and so far as I can tell, only a step shy of becoming instruments of Gods wrath, themselves.

Like many other radical (so-called) Christians, they seem to find more inspiration in the Old Testament, rather than the New. I suppose there's just not enough to feed their hate-mongering within the pages of the New Testament (with the exception of the book of Revelations), which is what true Christians are supposed to abide by.

Not having been raised in a devoutly religious household, I didn't pay much attention to religious movements. Not until the Iranian revolution, and the subsequent taking of American hostages. That's when I began to notice just how hateful some Christians can be in the practice of their faith. Of course, I saw such behavior earlier during the Civil Rights movement, but attributed that more to racism, than their faith. It was during the rise of the "Moral Majority" with Falwell at the forefront, that I began listening to people like that, and what I heard left a sickening stench in the air. It became clear to me that there was a large portion of "true believers" that were not very different from the Islam extremist we were told was the real the enemy.

Just as some followers of Islam have perverted their religion to propagate hate, so have some Christians. It's also obvious to me that if these people were to grab hold of an entire nation, that they would be just as bad as the Iranian clerics who took control of that country, and set humanity back hundreds of years. Just as bad as the Taliban, along with their Al-Qaeda friends. They would bring back the Inquisition. They wouldn't be happy until they took things all the way back to at least the days of the Salem Witch Trials, where God ruled supreme, and fear and suspicion was the order of the day.

People talk about how backward and socially restrictive Islamic fundamentalist can be when they take charge, but if you listen to the words of some of the (so-called) Christians, you'll see that their tolerance for those that (in their opinion) stray from Gods path, is non-existant. They preach death and destruction just like their counterparts.

Keep in mind, just as radical Islam cannot abide democracy when it comes to Gods' law, neither can the kingdom of Gods'. In the minds of these people, you do not get to vote, on anything. Do as they say, or you're going straight to hell, and they'll gladly help you get there.



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