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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Monday, December 19, 2005

Bush's "Need for Speed" Argument Runs Into the Truth

"In his news conference today, President Bush invoked the need for speed in the War on Terror as the reason he is illegally ordering the National Security Agency to conduct domestic surveillance without search warrants. Sounds like a compelling argument, right? In the fast-moving world of information age technology, we can't really afford to make our law enforcers take the time to go get a warrant, right?"

"It's true – Bush might have had a point, except for one tiny little detail he refused to discuss at his press conference: namely, the fact that current law is so lax that he is already permitted to get a search warrant 72 hours after surveillance is conducted. Put another way, the law currently allows Bush to order surveillance as fast as he possibly can, and allows surveillance operations to take place immediately. The only thing that is required is a court-issued warrant that can be ussed retroactively within 72 hours of when the operation started. And, as I've noted earlier, the special court that grants these warrants has only rejected 4 government requests in a quarter century, meaning getting a warrant is about as easy as it gets...that is, as long as you aren't trying to do something wholly outrageous and unrelated to the War on Terror."

You know, I was going to just let pass todays press conference, as well as his speech yesterday, But then I said what the hell.

The above quote speaks of just one of the outright lies he told today, and the writer also points out how he simply refused to acknowledge actual facts when they were shoved in his face. He just repeats the lie over and over. But this wasn't the only lie he told. In fact, nothing he's said in the last two days can even remotely be called truthful.

He continued to claim others had the same intelligence on Iraq as he did, long after that had been proven to be a lie. What has also long been exposed, is the fact that he knew long before we invaded Iraq, that there were no WMD, no ties to "the terrorists", and no threat to the U.S. from Iraq whatsoever. He continued to claim "the Democrats" had no initial problems with the Patriot Act, but now they want to get rid of it and leave us vulnerable. Well as far as that goes, it was widely reported at the time, that he all but ordered the Legislators to pass it in a hurry, and not to even read it. They did as he commanded, so they are as much to blame as he. Though after they passed it, they finally took time to read it, and saw what they'd done, and began objecting to it almost immediately. But it was too late. I don't really think they'd have had much of a choice but to pass it anyway, since the climate of the time, as well as threats from the White House that they would be labeled as unpatriotic and soft on terrorism, would've put them in one hell of a position, as most Americans were still cowering under their beds from 9/11. For some reason he insists that his opponants want to kill the Act, even after many have said that they simply want to have some civil liberties added, and not allow the whole thing to be made permanent. No matter what anyone says, he always pretends to hear something different.

Under ordinary circumstances, someone who claimed to be safeguarding our freedoms and liberties, would not have a problem with allowing Congress and the courts to oversee the methods used to fight this so-call War of Terror, instead of just telling us to trust him. There would be no reason not to allow sunshine clauses in the Act, so that when those extraordinary Police State powers are no longer needed to fight the 'specific' terrorists who attacked us, they could just be allowed to expire. If need be, they could be simply renewed until the threat has passed, and should another emergency arise after the Act has expired, it could be brought back and reinstated.

But that would only make sense if we're faced only with the threats posed by Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. Unfortunately, Bush can't reveal the true nature of the threat to America. Through a consistant string of his actions, that bare no relation to what he says, he's making it very clear that, having no respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, or the intelligence of the American people (not to mention the world), he intends to follow the neocon blueprint for American domination, and to make sure there's total submission here at home.

Hmm, I'd promised myself I'd let his last two speechs (ie; lies) pass, without bothering to respond to the same tired crap he keeps spewing. But alas, it was not to be. At least I didn't go over each and every lie he just restated. But I think I'd better quit now, before I do........



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