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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Bush: Iraq Invasion My Responsibility

"President Bush said Wednesday the responsibility for invading Iraq based in part on faulty weapons intelligence rested solely with him, taking on the issue in his most direct and personal terms in the 1,000-plus days since the war's first shots."

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong," Bush said. "As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq."

Give me a break. The statement that: "As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq.", is the only bit of truth he spoke. Why does he act as though we don't know any better? Did we not hear from our own intelligence agencies, as well as those from other countries, that he was told that the intel he was given was highly suspect, and could not be trusted, at the time it was given to him? Wasn't some of it obtained by torture? Didn't we hear that whenever he was briefed on what was discovered, it also came with disclaimers about it's authenticity? Or is it just me? Am I trapped, phasing in and out of some alternate universe? "Much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong" he says, but he knew there were doubts expressed, as well as confirmation from foreign agencies and governments, that the intel was wrong, long before the invasion.

He knew that the intel was riddled with flaws, but still chose to use and exagerate it to the point of outright lies. A real apology, should have included that fact. Instead, he continues to blame others for giving him bad information.

His repeated statements about how bad Saddam was, is still no excuse. Without any evidence whatsoever that Iraq posed any threat to the U.S., imminent or otherwise, it's wrong to continue to justify it. It's not our job to regime change every country that abuses it own people. We can't afford to do that, any more than we can afford a President that can't tell the truth. The ends do not justify the means.



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