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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Does Anyone Believe Condoleezza Rice?

"US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may have left Berlin, but her visit has left all sorts of bad tastes in the mouths of Germans. Nobody seems terribly convinced by her claim that America doesn't torture. And what is "torture" anyway?"

Well, like I said in the last post, The administration seems convinced that by repeating lies, they'll eventually be believed. I guess it just isn't working too good right now, but I doubt they'll give up trying. Lying has become pathological in Washington, to the point of embarrassment. A national disgrace. Lying has always been a part of politics since time began, but this getting out of hand. Nothing that comes out of the mouths of the President or other administration officials can be trusted, because it always seems to be contrary to the evidence. They go so far as to insist that agencies like the CIA must be exempt from any ban on torture, yet claim "We don't do torture". The problem is that they lie so much about everything, not just the wars of Iraq and terrorism. And they're bad liars too. Even our worst liars weren't this bad. They only lied about some things, not everything. The credibility gap is is so wide with this group, that it threatens to swallow up not only them, but the whole country. We're all going to pay a price for all this, for decades to come. No one in the world will trust us anymore, and the distinction between the actions of our government, and it's people, will disappear as the world blames us for putting these people in office. After all, we're supposed to be a democratic republic, so the people we elect to run the government, must be representing our true wishes, right? Not only will they hate our government, but us too. Maybe that's the plan after all. Keep us pumped up with fear of internal and external threats, get the rest of the world to hate everything we stand for, and then create a siege mentality in us, so we won't have a problem with "Today Iraq, Tomorrow the World".

I wonder what our Waterloo, or Stalingrad, will be like?



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