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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal

Remember Bhopal? You know, in India? Well, 21 years after the industrial accident that left tens of thousands dead and maimed, the negligent Union Carbide Corporation, now owned by Dow Chemical, has yet to be held accountable. They haven't helped the victims, nor have they bothered to clean up their environmental mess.

This is an example of what the much hyped 'Globalization', brings to the world, besides slave wages. This is what unrestrained capitalism brings. This is why we in America, heaped piles of laws and regulations on corporations in the past hundred years. This is why there's such a big push to move more plant operations overseas, usually into countries where the laws are insufficient, and the poor in vast numbers.

The lie is that they bring economic opportunity and prosperity to the Third World, the reality is, cruel, heartless, crimes against humanity.


"Shortly after midnight poison gas leaked from a factory in Bhopal, India, owned by the Union Carbide Corporation. There was no warning, none of the plant's safety systems were working. In the city people were sleeping. They woke in darkness to the sound of screams with the gases burning their eyes, noses and mouths. They began retching and coughing up froth streaked with blood. Whole neighbourhoods fled in panic, some were trampled, others convulsed and fell dead. People lost control of their bowels and bladders as they ran. Within hours thousands of dead bodies lay in the streets."

Since then.......

"For the last 20 years, some of the poorest people on earth, sick, living on the edge of starvation, illiterate, without funds, powerful friends or political influence, have found themselves fighting one of the world's biggest and richest corporations, backed by the government, military, and, it often seems, the judiciary of the world's most powerful nation.
The corporation and its allies have it all – wealth, power, political influence, lawyers, PR companies, the ear of presidents and prime ministers, the power to dictate policy or bend it to their will, and to manipulate the courts and laws of two countries to avoid justice in either."

Here's a site with tons of articles on the continuing saga of the forgotten victims, from One World.Net



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