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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Board Rescinds 'Intelligent Design' Policy

"Dover's much-maligned school policy of presenting "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolution was officially relegated to the history books Tuesday night."

"On a voice vote, and with no discussion beforehand, the newly elected Dover Area School Board unanimously rescinded the policy. Two weeks earlier, a judge ruled the policy unconstitutional."

"This is it," new school board president Bernadette Reinking said Tuesday, indicating the vote was final and the case was closed."

Let's hope the case is closed, but expect that it won't be, as far as other school districts around the country. You know how religious zealots can be.

As long as they still have influence in the Republican party, they'll keep pushing for a theocracy. I suspect that most of the followers of these evangelical leaders think that once they get God back into American society (believing the lie that He somehow left it), this will be some kind of paradise. In reality it would be nothing less than what was seen in Iran after their revolution, and Afghanistan after the Taleban took control. All you have to do is listen to people like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, and hear the things they'd like to see happen in this country, and what they think of it's people, to see this is true.

They would force everyone to strictly adhere to religious dictates, and the only appeals would be to religious courts that would rule based on their version of the scriptures. Which means, you would lose all choices in your life. You would be told what to do, see, say, wear, where to live and who you could and couldn't live with. No choice of abortion. No choice of marriage, especially if you're gay, or even marrying into another race or religion. Science would suffer because our schools would teach everything was created by God, as is, and shouldn't be tampered with. Medical science would suffer because any research that wasn't compatable with religious doctrine wouldn't be allowed. Instead of meddling in other countries in support of big business, our wars would be fought to convert the world. Bad things that happen to good people (like hurricanes), are explained as punishments from God, for bad behaviour.

Censorship would be the law of the land. You would not be allowed to see, hear, or read, anything that they consider to be sacrilegious, or anything else that might corrupt their version of paradise on Earth. Religious freedom would be curtailed, as promotion of their version of religion would take precedence in all things, and any other religions, as well as other denominations of (real) Christianity, would be shoved aside.

I consider the majority of people who are followers of this new wave of evangelism, misguided in their belief that their leaders are really speaking for God. Most all of their leaders seem to prefer Old Testament guidance, to the New Testament, which is odd, considering their supposed to be Christian. They just don't seem to get that their leaders are precisely the types of religious leaders Christ himself fought against in his lifetime. They seem to forget that Christ advocated peace and love towards ALL people, not just those that believe as they do. There is nothing 'Christian' about their ideology.

Rapping up this rant, I thought I'd post links to Falwell and Robertsons' websites so that those readers outside the country, and anyone else who may not know why I'm so against these people could see for themselves what I'm talking about. In doing a search for their sites (surprise, surprise, they're not in my bookmarks), I ran across a site that takes the same position I do about what dangerous hypocrites they are, so I'll post those links too:

The Official site of Pat Robertson

The Two faces of Jerry Falwell

The Religious Right, the Christian Coalition and Their Attack on Religious Freedom

Falwell Quotes

Robertson and Falwell talking about 9/11

Well I wanted to include a site run by Falwell himself, but his listed site www.falwell.com doesn't seem to be working (anymore?), and I don't even seem to be able to find any websites that support him and his teachings. I'm sure there must be at least one out there somewhere, but I can't spend all day looking. If you're interested, try searching yourself, but you'll mostly find nothing but sites exposing his vicious attitudes towards those he feels are "unworthy".

If I ever find a site run by him, I'll make a new post and link to this. I don't like not knowing what vermin are up to, because it could be a bad sign when they're hiding, you know, like mad scientists.



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