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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Monday, January 16, 2006

Chomsky: 'There Is No War On Terror'

The acclaimed critic of U.S. foreign policy analyzes Bush's current political troubles, the war on Iraq, and what's really behind the global 'war on terror.'

I don't always agree on the things Comsky says, or his politics, but I do agree on most of what he says in this interview. The one exception is his view on China being no economic threat, and that the free market should take care of everything.

I won't get into that now, as I'd like to emphasize his point about the lack of any real opposition party here in the U.S.. That's a big problem here. With all the evidence of lies and corruption, not only within the Whitehouse, but also throughout the Republican party, the Democrates are doing nothing. Even though they hold minority leadership in this country for now, they don't seem to even want to take advantage of the crimes of their supposed opponants of the other party. That's because, as I've said before, there's very little difference between the two. The Democrates are just as guilty as the Republicans.

I still say we need an altogether new party. One that puts the interests of the people and the Republic, over the wealthy and corporate special interests, that have never cared about the wishes of the people. The parties we have, have long since betrayed the people in favor of their own profit.



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