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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, January 13, 2006

Firearms tracking device urged

Saying gun manufacturers should take steps to track guns, a Boston city councilor is proposing that global positioning technology be installed in firearms.

Councilor Rob Consalvo wants to put a tracking device into newly manufactured guns and have legal gun owners retrofit their firearms so owners and police can locate and retrieve stolen guns the same way police use a computer chip to locate stolen cars.

It never stops, does it. Once people agree to some new technology that the authories want, they just keep adding and adding to the list of things to use it for. People get cameras to monitor their own homes and businesses, then cities start using them to monitor traffic, so they can make a killing charging exorbitant fines for traffic violators. You get a GPS for your car so you can have instant directions, and get quicker emergency assistance, then they want them in every car, supposedly to make it easier to find stolen cars. You get a home alarm system which listens for sudden sounds, and they start using listening devices attached to utility poles, supposedly to listen for crime. This list goes on, and now they want GPS in your guns. They don't want you to have them anyway, and if this comes to be, they'll always know where your guns are.

You know, a gun is far less complex than a car, with far fewer parts, so it wouldn't be too difficult for a theif to find and remove a tracking device. They may catch a few dumbassess who don't know about it or bother to find it, but the authorities will always know where your gun is while you still possess it. You won't be able to switch it off, and if you're a good citizen, you won't remove it either. Determind criminals will find ways to get around these new technologies, but the government will always know where you are, where you're going, if you're armed, what you're driving, what you look like (even if disguised), your financial status, your medical condition, and what you had for lunch (if you use a credit card), all without ever approaching you. It's all just so damned sneaky, and so intimidating, which is the real purpose. If you know you're being watched, you'll behave like you're supposed to, unless you're a criminal, then you won't care anyway. But you are not a criminal, are you? So behave yourself, someone's watching.

All these things are cumulative and let the government keep track of all its' people, "to keep them safe". Again I ask: why do you all still say you live in a free country? There's nothing "free" about being constantly monitored, just in case a crime might be committed. This is what living in a culture of fear does, it causes you to give away your freedoms, your privacy, your right to make mistakes without someone spying on your every movement. Your right to just be unmonitored. Your own President can illegally spy on you, and you don't care, because he's promised he's doing it only to "keep you safe".

Allowing the media and the government to keep you in a constant fear of crime and terrorism has taken away all that once was called the American Spirit. Now, you're all just scared little kids, begging Big Brother to protect you, to keep you safe and warm.



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