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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, January 27, 2006

Court upholds airline ID check

"A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected the constitutional arguments of a Bay Area tech millionaire who had refused to show identification or undergo an especially rigorous search before boarding an airplane."

"John Gilmore of San Francisco declined to show ID or submit to a more intense search than other passengers when trying to board a Southwest Airlines flight July 4, 2002, from Oakland International Airport to Washington, D.C. When barred from the flight, he tried to take a United Airlines flight the same day from San Francisco International Airport, with the same result."

"The regulation requiring ID at airports is deemed "Sensitive Security Information," the government contends, so Gilmore has never been able to see a copy."

This is a follow-up to a story I posted on earlier entitled
and comparable to another,

Obviously, when both stories first broke, I considered it bullshit to have a law that you can't even be allowed to see. Now it looks like it's now the law of the land, that you can be charged with a crime that doesn't exist. Sure, it might be written down somewhere. It might even actually be a law, but if you can't show it to me, as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't exist. It means that from now on, whether there's really a law or not, they can get away with simply saying there is, and that's good enough for the courts. It means they can lie and say you broke this or that law, and get away with it. They can make up anything they want, and we have no defense.

This is an act of a dictatorship that feels itself so far above the law that they don't even have to bother with such trivialities as proving that a law really exists, or go through the troublesome process of creating a law in the first place. Isn't it bad enough that we now have real laws that violate the principles of a so-called free country, without having ones that are so secret we aren't even allowed to see them?

This proves that no single entity within government is to blame for the losses of our freedoms. This proves that Bush is not some anomalous lone wolf, that all we have to do is get rid of him, and this fascist process stops. No, in spite of what many seem to want to believe, it's the entire government that's simply been waiting for a good enough excuse to cut through the burdensome red-tape of Democracy, to treat us like they think we should be treated; as sheep to be manipulated and coerced into allowing them to play their geopolitical games unimpeded by us peasants.

The fact that neither the courts nor the legislature are even attempting to challenge the executive branch on this, proves to me at least, that they too wanted this type of authority all along. To be able to just say you're violating some phantom law, is nothing short of tyranny. The fact that both original stories never even made national mainstream news, shows how complicit the media is in this New World Order. And let's not forget the fact that there's no apparent public outcry against "secret laws", which proves that this campaign of fear, called "The War on Terror", is attaining it's true goal of making us so afraid, we'll submit to any degree of Constitutional subversion. It proves that we ourselves are complicit in our own subjugation.



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