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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Homeland Security opening private mail

"Last month Goodman, an 81-year-old retired University of Kansas history professor, received a letter from his friend in the Philippines that had been opened and resealed with a strip of dark green tape bearing the words “by Border Protection” and carrying the official Homeland Security seal."

"The letter comes from a retired Filipino history professor; Goodman declined to identify her. And although the Philippines is on the U.S. government’s radar screen as a potential spawning ground for Muslim-related terrorism, Goodman said his friend is a devout Catholic and not given to supporting such causes."

See how incompetent the implimentation of this war on terror is. To pick out correspondence between two retired seniors, neither of which, from what little info this article contains, fits any profile of any terrorist anywhere, seems to indicate that they either just randomly pick out letters for inspection, or inspect all letters between certain countries. Most likely, they're doing the same thing the NSA is doing; using a wide net to look at everything, with no real evidence that anything is going on with anyone specific, but just hoping to get lucky. They're probably doing the same thing airport security is doing, when they search everyone, including 80 yr olds and children, who obviously are not middle-easterners. The same way they ban babies from flights, just because they have names that are on some secret watch list. All this adds up to the fact that they don't have a clue as to who they're looking for, so everyone ends up falling into the net.



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