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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Russian Ultranationalist Leader Expects U.S. to Attack Iran in Late March

"A senior Russian parliamentary official and leader of the ultranationalist Liberal Democratic Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that a U.S. attack on Iran is inevitable, he has told Ekho Moskvy radio station."

"The war is inevitable because the Americans want this war," he said. "Any country claiming a leading position in the world will need to wage wars. Otherwise it will simply not be able to retain its leading position. The date for the strike is already known — it is the election day in Israel (March 28). It is also known how much that war will cost," Zhirinovsky said."

"He went on to add that the publication of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the European press was a planned action by the U.S. whose aim is "to provoke a row between Europe and the Islamic world". "It will all end with European countries thanking the United States and paying, and giving soldiers," he said. Russia should "choose a position of non-interference and express minimal solidarity with the Islamic world", Zhirinovsky added."

Very interesting take on the current Muslim unrest caused by those cartoons, in that last statement. I hadn't thought of that, but the timing does seem more than coincidental, and very convenient. Given what evidence exists about all the lies and plans within plans that have come out of this government in the last 5 years, does an intentional incitement of the Islamic world seem all that far fetched? Even if the publishing of those cartoons were not malicious or intended to achieve the current results, or instigated by us, it's very hard to believe that anyone thought that they wouldn't cause the turmoil that they have. Salman Rushdies' The Satanic Verses, was not so long ago that no one remembers how dangerous it is to insult the Islamic religion in the eyes of some of its' followers. It was either intentional, or just plain stupid. All I'm saying, is that the timing is perfect for certain peoples' agendas.

As for an imminent attack on Iran, I see it too. All the signs of preparation are taking place, from military planning, to propaganda aimed at the American people, to get us stirred up and fearful of the "Islamic Bomb" so we'll accept another invasion. Only this time I can't see even Bush so deluded into thinking it can be done solely by conventional means. Considering the personality of our Fearless Leader, it's not hard to imagine that he wouldn't hesitate becoming only the second President to ever launch a nuclear attack. We just don't have the manpower to do anything else, unless we re-establish the draft.

Rumors of Wars:

"The former U.N. weapons inspector who said Iraq disarmed long before the U.S. invasion in 2003 is warning Americans to prepare for a war with Iran."

"If Julius - regarded as one of the greatest Caesars - couldn’t take note, the leader of the current superpower should. This March, his actions may spark off a conflict from which the world might never recover."

"There is no superstition needed for the coming month, as too many converging forces are spiraling out of hand to tip the world into a precipice burning in peak oil."

"It is the option of last resort with consequences too hideous to contemplate. And yet, with diplomacy nearly exhausted, the use of military force to destroy Iran’s nuclear programme is being actively considered by those grappling with one of the world’s most pressing security problems."

"Americans' fears about Iran have grown sharply over the last few months as efforts by the United States and Europe to slow Tehran's nuclear program have been firmly rejected, a poll found."

"More people in this country now rate Iran as the biggest threat to the U.S., 27 percent, than say that about any other country, including North Korea, China and Iraq, according to the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press."

"There aren't many elected officials in Washington who want to throw the gantlet down on Iran more than Hillary Clinton. The New York Senator believes the president has been too soft on the militant Islamic country, claiming that Bush has played down the threat of a nuclear-armed Tehran."

"What President George W. Bush, FOX news, and the Washington Times were saying about Iraq three years ago they are now saying about Iran. After Saturday's vote by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to report Iran's suspicious nuclear activities to the UN Security Council, the president wasted no time in warning, "The world will not permit the Iranian regime to gain nuclear weapons."

As you can see, the propaganda war is in full steam. The fearmongers are hard at work scaring us into welcoming the coming war.

And just in case part of your "fear" involves statements made by Iranian leaders, just be aware, as our leaders are, that a lot of things said by leaders are for domestic consumption. Many leaders talk tough, especially towards the U.S. because it makes them look good at home. Remember all the tough talk from Saddam? All bluff. But what else could anyone expect? Neither Iraq then, nor Iran now, is any threat to us. We were, and are, threatening them. How else should they respond, like wimps and lose support among their own people? What we're doing is imagining possible future threats, then using it as an excuse to dictate what others better do, or else. How would you respond to the demands of a bully?

So far, the plans created by the neo conservatives are proceeding nicely.



Blogger Chelsea Stan said...

Jack, this is my post on Feb 07 on my own blog:http://guitarwarrior.blogspot.com

The Mohammad Cartoon Controversy seems to be a media beat-up on behalf of the U.S. propaganda build-up for the coming attack, which will likely be nuclear, on Iran.
I understand the military preparations for this attack are well advanced, but after the Iraq debacle,and lacking sufficient justification or ammunition to produce the similar litany of lies used in that campaign, a frenzy of anti-muslim hate feeling will be more than welcomed. After all, rulers go to war, not the people, who are either just cannon fodder or collateral. And once the people become sharks in a feeding frenzy of antagonism, when they are damaged, well, they asked for it...........
And blind hate was used to justify the two previous world wars, the reasons for the first of which one person in a thousand would be lucky to even begin to explain.
Sure, (some, though a considerable number of some) Muslims are very upset by these cartoons of their prophet with a bomb for a hat. What would you reasonably expect???
How would our Christian fundamentalists react if a major Arab publication published a cartoon of a gleeful Jesus brandishing a sword as he rode an Exocet missile that was reigning down terror on one of their cities?
Sure, freedom of speech says we should be able to publish these cartoons, even though it is blasphemous to Muslims to have their prophet depicted. but then, we should be steeled for their reaction, and genuinely apologetic, too.
Fifty years ago, before even further Western moral decline, Hollywood movies wouldn't even allow facial shots of the actor playing Jesus.
Last week in Footscray, a cop crawled through upstairs windows to retrieve a burnt Australian flag, even though he had no legal justification whatsoever.
Our Western media is at least as far removed from genuine universal free expression as most media from totalitarian regimes. The difference is self-censorship by a media owned by the ruling elite on behalf of that self-same ruling elite.We couldn't even bury a thug monopoly media baron without the truth, in fact we sanctified him.
The pity is this disgusting campaign of hate being whipped up by an extremely agressive Western imperial political axis for their own ends is working.
Letters to the editor, feedback, etc shows every small minded cretin who thinks he is a patriot finally feels justified for suppressing his guilt at what he said and thought about the Arabs.
Don't be sucked in, stand for genuine truth and tolerance. We live in a nasty world as is, in the West. We could very well join the Middle East and the Third World in the total kind of hell we have inflicted and wished on others.
Sure, it is a cliche, but the real message of Jesus was, is and ever will be:
Love is the answer

posted by Chelsea Stan @ 5:55 PM 0 comments links to this post

3:36 AM EST  
Blogger Fred said...

Thanks! Good post! We see eye to eye.

1:32 PM EST  

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