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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism


1—list of interventions for “regime change”

2—list of air warfare campaigns

3—list of client states

4—list of states held by debt-leverage imperialism

5—list of foreign base hosts

6—list of murder toll

7—list of unsavory rightists supported

8—list of perverted international bodies

9—list of interventions for opposing liberation

10—list of interventions pre-1941

11—list of covert operations

12—list of front organizations

13—list of low intensity conflicts

14—list of proxy wars

15—list of foreign policy doctrines

16—list of propaganda campaigns

If you've ever wanted a quick reference list of U.S. dirty deeds, here it is. "Basic" is indeed a perfect word for it, still, it's looks to be very thorough, covering events all the way back to 1776. I'd consider it a good starting point for further research. Unfortunately a number of their reference links at the bottom of the page are dead, but the live ones are still worth trudging through all the carcasses to get to.



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