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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Thursday, March 02, 2006

TIA Lives On

"A controversial counter-terrorism program, which lawmakers halted more than two years ago amid outcries from privacy advocates, was stopped in name only and has quietly continued within the intelligence agency now fending off charges that it has violated the privacy of U.S. citizens."

"Research under the Defense Department's Total Information Awareness program -- which developed technologies to predict terrorist attacks by mining government databases and the personal records of people in the United States -- was moved from the Pentagon's research-and-development agency to another group, which builds technologies primarily for the National Security Agency, according to documents obtained by National Journal and to intelligence sources familiar with the move. The names of key projects were changed, apparently to conceal their identities, but their funding remained intact, often under the same contracts."

Remember this one? Those sneaky bastards just couldn't let a good thing (for them) get by. Again, proving that they care nothing for the will of the people. They care nothing for the rule of law.

What's been the response? Well this article is one week old, and I've heard nothing, have you? Again, a revelation of total disregard for the law, and the silence is deafening. You know, if it wasn't for the internet, it would be hard as hell to learn a fraction of what's been going on in the last few years.

These are the continuing chronicles of an organized crime organization known as the U.S. government. Again, it would be easy to blame the little dictator, but the fact is that the whole government is complicit, as they quietly allow these crimes to continue by simply ignoring them. And don't expect the Democrats to come to the rescue either. At whatever point in the future they eventually get voted back into power, they will have conveniently forgotten all these crimes, in a pursuit to establish their own, and take no action towards punishing these criminals, or rolling back all the anti-American legislations of this New American Century.



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