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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Monday, March 06, 2006

Twilight's Last Gleaming - Who will speak up for America?

"Who are these people? These people who line their pockets with the lives of our loved ones? These gray men who lurk in shadows and kill the sunshine of democracy? These people who wear morality like a cheap suit pilfered from the collection plate of decency? Who are these people who have turned America into their own personal ATM machine? These are the people of the lie - Republicans."

"Who are these people? These people who sit in spineless silence unable to speak in defense of America? These people who mime the words of our founders, afraid to act with independence? Who utter the words "We concede," instead of "We the People?" These are the people who lie down - Democrats.

"Newspapers no longer serve the public, only their corporate masters. They have wedged themselves firmly between the cheeks of power, a tissue to sanitize the bullshit. The media has finally achieved the ultimate self-delusion; broadcasting sitcom politics, and talking points of the throne, it has become the court jester with tinkling bells and curly pointed shoes: useless, untrustworthy, and fused in falsehoods and facades."

"This is twilight's last gleaming. Attention must be paid. Democracy is dying."

That's right, attention must be paid. It must be paid by us, all of us. As the author stated, and I've spoken my piece about several times, neither party is going to set things right again. And the media, owned by just a few of the largest corporations in the world, see no reason to expose the very people who are in a position to create, alter, or eliminate legislation in a way that's very profitable to corporations, and detrimental to the people.

Our leaders, and our watch dogs, have abandoned us in favor of untold wealth and power. Everything they've done in the past 30 years, with both legal and economic decisions, has led up to the conditions we live in today with our losses in liberties, and no economic security whatsoever. 9/11 isn't to blame, it only served as a convienient smokescreen to eccelerate a process begun several years before.

At this point, we're on our own. The articles' author asks the question "Who will speak up for America?", well, it must be Americans. It must be us, pressuring the government, and not just wait for things to get better, because they won't, not without our insistence. Strong insistence.



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