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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I've Been "Engaged" (I feel so special)

Ha Ha Ha, boy they sure work fast. It didn't take long at all for them to find me, though I'm sure by now I'm on quite a few "special lists". It made my day to wake up and find my "engagement" letter waiting for me. I couldn't stop laughing.

By my visitor stats, they came by 2 hrs after my CENTCOM post, and spent about 5 min, then immediately sent off their letter. They simply Googled their name to find me. I saw their hit last night, and used their own search string to find myself and others. I visited a few of the other results, and could see they aren't simply sending out identical form letters.

Ha Ha, the least they could've done was to say a little bit more about what they thought of my blog, I mean, I did put a little time into giving them some free advertisement in that post. Does this mean they didn't find any "inaccuracies"? No "errors", or "incomplete" information in my post? I guess not.

I don't exactly see myself as the ultimate truthsayer on anything I post about, which is only my humble(?) opinion anyway, but I do try to be accurate, and at least as fair as my allergic reaction to bullshit allows. Anyway, here's what they had to say:

Hi, Jack:

You didn't state in your post if you had visited our website yourself (http://www.centcom.mil), but if not, it's got news, photos, audio and video from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Hopefully, as you said, it'll prove to be a helpful resource as you and your readers are doing research about the Global War on Terrorism.

You're welcome to use any materials you find on our site, and if you'd like to be signed up for the weekly electronic newsletter and monthly Coalition Bulletin, just ask. If you could add a link to CENTCOM, it'd be appreciated (I'm trying to spread the word about our site).


SPC C. Flowers
CENTCOM Public Affairs

Though my letter isn't exactly the same as others, here's one that's close, from the Psycotic Patriot (visit his homepage to see a couple other posts about it), and another from Culture of Life Breaking News.

Check out the other search results, you might find some other blogs you'd like to read.

I agree with the Psychotic Patriot when he says that he'll post a link to them on his page, if they link to him on their site. Unlike him though, I did leave their link in their letter to me above, but they need not expect to me to include it in my sidebar. I wouldn't think they're that hard to find anyway, and my main purpose here has come to be mainly pointing out "inaccuracies" and outright lies in theirs, and others' public statements. The mainstream media already serves as their main cheering section, not to mention all the pro government blogs, websites, rightwing radio talkshow hosts and commentators, and let's not forget all those hateful war mongering Pat Robertson-type not-so-Christian leaders.

So, the real purpose is to pull in the last of the holdouts, the freethinkers, and those that just refuse to blindly play follow the leader, and get us to get with the program and stop influencing others to think for themselves, shedding light in all those dark little corners, parasites like to hang out in.

Anyway, like I said before, go visit the CENTCOM site, as well as all other government and corporate websites to get their official side of things, but then go out and find the truth, it's out there, and dying to be heard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jack:

I wouldn't expect the CENTCOM site to be the only source of information for anyone who's following the Global War on Terrorism. Rather, we're trying to make it a comprehensive news resource that people can turn to as they might any other website. We've added content over the past few months and hope to add even more over the weeks ahead.

Regarding links: At present we're not allowed to post links to non-military or non-governmental websites. That may change. In the meantime, I do hope our site is interesting and informative, and thus is of use to you.

Good luck with your blog.

SPC C. Flowers
CENTCOM Public Affairs

11:10 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, interesting, it seems SPC Flowers mentioned the issue I raised in my response to her in your comment from her. They still sound canned, don't they?

I found a Military.com piece that fills out the void a bit more, and found that we are "Determined Detractors".



1:39 PM EST  
Blogger Fred said...

Hey gang, thanks for stopping by!

James, I was wondering about that response myself, as I thought I'd made clear I encourage everyone to go to all official sites. And yes, they do seem to be following a general script. I did notice nothing here seemed to be contested as "inaccurate" or "incomplete", so I take my resonses as sort of a compliment ;), sort of.

"Regarding links" didn't even need a response to, since I doubt anyone would dream they'd link to anti-government/war blogs on any "official" site. That would be counterproductive ;p

Elaine, since Halliburton just got a $385 million dollar contract to build "temporary detention and processing capabilities" in this country, they'll have plenty of room for us. I hate to think they're in preparation for martial law, but who knows what they have in store for us ;/

11:36 AM EST  

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