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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, May 05, 2006

Police state files

"Two releases of local law enforcement files in recent days have shed new light on just how far the Bush administration, federal, and local law enforcement are going to suppress political dissent in the aftermath of 9-11."

This article was first published back in late March, so this isn't exactly new, but still relevant. This highlights two cases of abuse of power under the guise of fighting terrorism. What they reveal is growing intolerance of political activism and dissent, and makes clear that terrorism played no part in the actions of authorities, other than to create it themselves. Far from combating any terrorists, they're intent is to stiffle any opposition to government policy. The lesson being taught is that "if you have a problem with the way government is being run, then you'd better just stay home, keep quiet, and get over it, because we won't tolerate any peaceful anti-government activites anymore".

And we're supposed to believe we still live in a free country? Bullshit!

Nobody has a problem with cracking down on known violent people or groups, but we should all have a problem when simple acts of free speech are considered acts of terrorism, only because they run counter to the ruling powers. We have the right to speak out, and must continue to do so, whatever the cost, otherwise we will have betrayed the trust of the countless numbers who've fought for and given their lives over the centuries to preserve the freedoms and principles of this country. There have been many setbacks in the past, and no matter how long or short-lived they lasted, it was necessary for people to fight to restore the balance. That time has come again.

This Democratic Republic cannot possibly stand if we all just meekly accept everything the government tells us, and behave only in a manner that praises our government under any and all circumstances.

To acquiesce, is to commit treason.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

terrific post

1:50 AM EDT  

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