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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Proposed Iranian Oil Bourse

[note: bourse = stock exchange]

"Historically, taxing the subject state has been in various forms-usually gold and silver, where those were considered money, but also slaves, soldiers, crops, cattle, or other agricultural and natural resources, whatever economic goods the empire demanded and the subject-state could deliver. Historically, imperial taxation has always been direct: the subject state handed over the economic goods directly to the empire."

"For the first time in history, in the twentieth century, America was able to tax the world indirectly, through inflation. It did not enforce the direct payment of taxes like all of its predecessor empires did, but distributed instead its own fiat currency, the U.S. Dollar, to other nations in exchange for goods with the intended consequence of inflating and devaluing those dollars and paying back later each dollar with less economic goods-the difference capturing the U.S. imperial tax. Here is how this happened."

Here's an economic history lesson that attempts to explain the true nature of our military aggression in the world today. As I've said before, this "War on Terror" is nothing but a smokescreen, and is being used as an excuse to take actions, that to the normal person, seem counterproductive if we are truely interested in lessening the threat of terror to ourselves and the rest of the world.

A few years ago we were given reasons why we should invade Iraq, but none of them included Iraqs' interest in creating a stock exchange that would hurt the U.S. economy. Today, we are being given reasons why we should not tolerate Irans' nuclear ambitions, but not the probable reason they may be interested in a nuclear deterrent. Sure, they'd like to see Israel cease to exist, but they already know Israel has its own nukes, so attacking them for the sake of cleansing the area of a Jewish State would be impractical, and suicidal. Sure, the Iranians are mouthing off about going nuclear, but it's seemed obvious to me that they want a deterrence that would make anyone think twice before attacking them. The creation of an Iranian oil bourse, and their desire for nuclear weapons to protect it, makes sense. They saw what happened to Iraq when it didn't have a deterrent and they don't want it to happen to themselves.

Then we have the spector of nuclear terrorism, where terrorist could obtain such weapons from Iran which does sponsor terrorism. Think about this for a minute. What government could successfully supply terrorists with nuclear material, and not be discovered? If a nuclear 9/11 took place, anywhere, the list of suspected sponsors would be very small, and if that sponsor were to be discovered, it would naturally be considered an act of war by that State, with resulting consequences. It's in no ones' interest to supply such material to fanatics. The real threat comes from existing nuclear states that don't have proper safeguards against theft, such as the former Soviet Republics.

Whichever side of the growing tensions between the U.S. and Iran you decide to take, you should do so with as much information as possible. That includes investigating information that you are not told about from governments and mainstream media.

I've blogged about this oil bourse previously here:

And of course, you also need to be made aware of all the evidence that contradicts everything we were told about why we invaded Iraq:



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