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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Revisiting Congressman Conyers' Iraq Report

While I realize that the government is still on holiday vacation, and no action has been taken yet, I can't help but see that all signs point to the fact that neither the public nor the media seem to have taken the time to read Conyers' report, as I'm still seeing the fallacy being propagated that the President was led astray by faulty intelligence.

Last night, I watched the Late Show with David Letterman, who had as a guest, Bill O'Reilly. During the interview in which David took issue with some of O'Reillys' statements, they both seemed to agree on one thing; that Bush was misled by bad intel.

Well dammit, that's just not true. Bush was not misled. The intelligence he got on Iraq, as proven in the Iraq Report, was absolutely correct. It was the intelligence he gave to the rest of us, that was bad. And he knew it was bad. He knew long before 9/11 that Iraq had no WMD. He also knew immediately after 9/11 that Iraq had nothing to do with the attack, or Al-Qaeda. He lied to us, and lied to the Congress and the world.

The intel he got, from around the world, told him that Iraqs' WMD were destroyed by the first Gulf War, as well as later by the U.N. inspectors. He was told that Iraq would not have ever supported Al-Queada, because Saddam ran a secularist government that Al-Qaeda wanted to see brought down. They would never have cooperated. Bush lied in his recent speech where he appeared to accept the blame for invading Iraq, while still blaming bad intelligence.

What he didn't admit to, which is at the heart of the matter, is that it was only after the direction, and extreme pressure, from the White House that the intelligence community was forced to reverse all its' assessments, and promote what it knew to be false, just to provide him justification to invade.

The facts are clear, and available, for everyone to read, and although the Report is quite lengthy, even a few pages will reveal that there was a plan to invade Iraq, and other mid-east countries even before Bush first took office.

What pisses me most, is that I know very little will come of this without a LOT of pressure on a Republican Legislature to take appropriate action. That means us leaning on them, pushing them, needling them, threatening to ensure their defeat in this years elections. Anything it takes, to keep these people from getting away with what amounts to the murder of every single member of our armed forces who've died in Iraq. Not to mention all the deaths of Iraqis' who never posed any threat to us, or even their own region. EVERY DAMNED THING WAS A LIE!

Sure, support the troops. Give them the moral and material support they need to finish a job that should never have begun. We have to at least stabilize the place. BUT, we cannot allow our leaders to get away with dragging us there in the first place.

Read the report for yourself, it disproves absolutely every excuse the administration ever made, and is still making, for going into Iraq. This is a crime against us and the world, that only we can correct.

Previous post containing link to Iraq Report


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