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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Monday, February 13, 2006

In U.S. Public's Eyes, Iran Biggest Foreign Menace

"Nonetheless, the latest poll, released Tuesday by the Pew Research Centre for the People and the Press, found that some 27 percent of respondents cite Iran as Washington's greatest menace -- three times the percentage who ranked it at the top of foreign threats just four months ago."

"The same survey, which polled 1,500 adults during the first week of February, also found that nearly three in four (72 percent) believed Tehran was "likely" to launch attacks on Israel if it obtained nuclear weapons. An even higher percentage (82 percent) said they believed the Iranian government would likely transfer nuclear weapons to terrorists."

Here's another attempt at shaping public opinion towards acceptance of another unnecessary war, in the guise of a "poll". This time they use 1,500 people (who are supposed to represent almost three hundred million people), to get you to believe that most of us are scared to death of Iran. The intent is to get you ready for war, and to inform the administration on just what it's going to take to convince you to go along. They don't say exactly what the poll questions were, or the exact responses. What we're getting here are the opinions of the interpretation of generalized questions and responses of a select few. The only way to understand for ourselves what the poll means, is knowing the exact manner in which the questions were asked, and this doesn't give it. It doesn't even say if the 1,500 were random, or targeted, which would make a very big difference, though not to me, since I don't believe that any 1500 can accurately represent a country of this size.

If you've been following this blog and all the articles it's linked to, then you're probably aware that certain people in government have intended war with Iran from the moment they came to power. The same steps are being taken, that were so successful in getting everyone to accept and want war with Iraq. Highlightling all the tough talk from our new adversary, using the Sunday morning news shows to inform and convince you of the "dire threat", a threat to Israel, a threat of "terrorism", and of course, the threat of "WMD". All the ingredience are being gathered and mixed together to form the recipe for another phase in the crusade, inspite of the false promise of using force as a last resort.

The timing is just right, because there's been so much public focus on Iraq and the growing scandals at home. And let's not forget the need to convince the public that the Republicans are the only ones who can "keep us safe", before this years' elections that could threaten their sranglehold of the Congress. There's also the need to get us into another war before the Presidential elections come around again. They all want to stay in power and will do whatever it takes to scare us into submission so they can continue their plans for economic domination of the globe, particularly the oil producing regions.

I repeat my warning against relying on the Democrats to pull us back to reality. They're very much part of the problem. All of the politicians of all parties need to be made aware that the course we're on is intolerable. Perpetual war cannot be allowed. We The People must must keep our heads clear of the lies and manipulations, and act by demanding our principles be upheld, before it's too late. The issues are much greater than Iran, and the real threat, much closer to home.



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