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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Making of the Enemy

"The manufacture, marketing and dissemination of bogeymen enemies, both real and fictional, for a long time endemic in American society, has always worked to perfection, becoming the inertia used to control the population. It becomes the energy needed to maintain America’s permanent wartime economy. The creation of unseen bogeymen into supernatural evildoers fits the perfect mold of how the American citizenry has been brainwashed over the years through the use of Hollywood movies and television, with the constant themes of good versus evil, of fantasy and sensationalism, and of course the always needed happy ending, where the good guy always triumphs over the villain."

This two-page article will go a long way in pissing you off, if you're still a true-believer in the self-righteous cause of "The American Way". In these two pages, is a constant repetition of how and why, if you're an American, you live in fear. It points out many of the same points I've been making since starting this blog; that we are under a constant state of manipulation, to our own detriment.

True, it's a dangerous world, but the fear of it, and for our own lives has been so greatly exaggerated we can't see straight. Perspective is all out of proportion, and we're willing to do and believe anything or anyone, that promises to "keep us safe", no matter how irrational.

The article expresses what I've known since childhood, when I first became "politically aware". Growing up through the 60s and 70s, it was hard to avoid the realities of our true national interests, as constant revelations were being forced upon our consciousness. We were consistantly learning how we had been lied to, and manipulated. We learned how corporations and the government were in collusion to seize control of other countries, and lied to about the reasons. We learned the lengths the government would go, in protecting itself through illegal operations against it's own citizens who were only seeking civil justice. We learned through the Church Commitee hearings, and other investigations, just how much those in power were intent on having their way, in direct contradiction to what average Americans thought their country was all about.

Even with all the exposures that cumulatively would lead to the conclusion that governmental policy in general, was the problem, it was never presented that way. Each item of despicable behavior was treated as an anomaly; only one bad apple, in a barrel of good ones. That led to the general belief (by the public) that only a few new regulations, and weeding out a few people, would put everything right. Many knew better, but that's how it all turned out. Things got quiet, but nothing really changed.

Now, everything's gotten worse. The manipulation is much more blatant, the lies are more obvious and in the open, yet, there's no serious threat being posed against those who've made the world a much more dangerous place. There are no real investigations of the true nature of our activites at home and especially abroad. The use of fear has worked very well, and will continue, as long as we choose to have our thoughts feed to us.

If nothing else, that article will serve to explain to the rest of the world why many Americans are going along with what is obviously an agenda of conquest that enriches only a few at the very top of the food chain. We in America can only see "the terrorists", so articles like this are only seen as "hating America", as I'm sure I'm viewed.



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