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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Video - Hollywood's dirty little secret

[embedded video]

"Well, we've known the rules. We've known them since Errol Flynn liberated Burma without any help from British, Australian or New Zealand forces. Churchill and a few Diggers may have been upset, but the fact is when it comes to Hollywood only the good guys win and, since we're playing with their toys, those good guys must inevitably be Americans. Never let the absurdities of history get in the way of a box-office blockbuster."

This is a little story that I would think unnecessary. I've taken this for granted, since it isn't really so much a secret, as it's simply underreported, and downplayed. I've heard of this for years, but nobody's ever made a big issue of it.

While it's no news to me, I often get the impression that many actually believe that "Based on a True Story" movies are historically accurate, and don't really know that war movies that get military help, must comply with military script review.

Even though this Real Video deals mainly with movies, TV programs should also be recognized as doing the same. Whenever you see in the credits that there was a military "adviser" to the production, then you can know that the movie or TV series was first approved by the military. It also applies to police shows that get "advice" from local police departments.

The point of this piece is simply to remind people that movies are just that; movies, entertainment. They should never be viewed as accurate, but rather carefully scripted to make lots of money, and whenever shows use outside help, you can rest assured that your mind is being molded to make authority the good guys, no matter the cost to the actual truth.



Blogger Chelsea Stan said...

Jack, a good article, as most of your posts are, but something more pressing: read this

9:10 AM EST  
Blogger Fred said...

Thanks, I appreciate the link.

9:34 PM EST  

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