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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Good News, and Bad, for Intelligent Designers

First, the good news for ID backers:

Kansas schools can teach 'intelligent design'

"The Kansas Board of Education approved new science standards for teachers in public schools Tuesday that question Charles Darwin's teachings on evolution and hand a victory to advocates of "intelligent design."

"The board's 6-4 vote reverses a 2001 decision that affirmed Darwin's theory of natural selection. That vote came two years after most references to the theory were removed from state standards, making Kansas the butt of jokes by scientists and late-night comedians."

Now for the bad:

Pa. voters oust school board that backed intelligent design

"Voters came down hard Tuesday on school board members who ordered a statement on intelligent design read in biology class, ousting eight Republicans and replacing them with Democrats who want the concept stripped from the science curriculum."

"The election unfolded amid a landmark federal trial involving the Dover public schools and the question of whether intelligent design promotes the Bible's view of creation. Eight Dover families sued, saying it violates the constitutional separation of church and state."

As you may know, I'm against the teaching of Intelligent Design in public schools because it's nothing more than an attempt to bring religious teaching in the the public classroom. If you believe in, and want your children taught about creationism, then put them in parochial schools and stop trying to foist religious views on everyone else. If you believe in religious freedom, then you must understand that state-sponsored religious teachings violate that freedom. Religious teaching belongs in the home, houses of worship, and parochial schools.
Aren't those enough options?


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