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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Evolutionists Using Copyright Against Kansas

"Last week, the National Academy of Sciences, or NAS, joined with the National Science Teachers Association, or NSTA, to tell the Kansas State Board of Education that it would not grant the state copyright permission to incorporate its science education standards manuals into the state's public school science curriculum because Kansas plans to teach students that "intelligent design" is a viable alternative theory to evolution. Kansas is scrambling to rewrite its proposal to win over the NAS and NSTA."

As much as I'd like to see Intelligent Design stay in the churches where it belongs, I'm strongly against the use of copyrights to prevent its' inclusion into science education. Instead of coming up with intelligent, logical arguments against it, they resort to the tactic of copyright threats. By doing this, they're essentually saying they have no legitimate arguments, so they strong-arm. They're giving fuel to the other side, and I think it'll backfire. Oh, it may work in this case, but in the long run, it could cause problems.

They should have put far more effort into explaining to the public, before their recent vote, exactly what science is, and what it's not. They should have made clear the current, and continuing scientific knowledge regarding evolution, and given clear rebuttals to the pre-election day ID propaganda.

I'm sure they're frustrated at seeing continuous religious attempts to degrade and pervert science, but this method of 'do like I say, or else' , is the tool of the religious, and the scientific community shouldn't stoop to that level.



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