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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, November 11, 2005

Wahhabi U.

"A top U.S. diplomat recently revealed Saudi Arabia still teaches students to hate non-Muslims and the West. So why are we making it easier for Saudi students schooled in that hatred to visit the U.S.?"

"As if 9-11 never happened, President Bush has agreed to a request by Saudi King Abdullah to lower some of the barriers blocking Saudi youth from studying in America."

"The barriers were erected as a security measure after 15 visiting Saudi nationals attacked their gracious host with hijacked jets. The young terrorists, holding various visas, studied at flight schools in the U.S. Post-9-11 visa curbs have resulted in a sharp drop in the number of Saudi travelers."

"The Bush-Abdullah deal threatens to reverse that trend. The kingdom is sponsoring a program to expedite visas for Saudis to study in the U.S. by, among other things, providing funds and letters of recommendation. Its Ministry of Higher Education aims to send 21,000 nationals to the U.S. over the next four years."

Hmm.....Bush just might be smarter than I think, if the masterplan is to have the Feds trail these guys around, gathering vital info on possible future attacks on U.S. soil. Yeah, that's the ticket. That's why the Republicans tried to make massive cutbacks in Federal assistants to needy Americans, so they would have the money to hire enough new FBI agents and resources, to follow 21,000 Saudis..............

......ok, who am I kidding. This is just another example of how little the administration cares about the safety of U.S. citizens. They aren't going to follow these guys at all, and in fact, if even one of the 21,000 is a terrorist, and carries out his mission, it would work to the advantage of the government. Another attack would cause fear, and fear would cause Americans to beg the government to take away more Rights, and to make it more powerful.

Amongst one of my character flaws, is giving people more credit than they probably deserve. For instance, it would be far too easy to simply say that Bush must be stupid/insane/incompetant to allow this, just because he and the Saudi rulers are (oil) buddies. I can't help but think that in his mind, there's a rational reason for going along with this deal. He must have advisers warning him of possible consequences, yet, to even consider it must mean he thinks there's some benefit to it. Those aforementioned funds maybe?

Either way, at this point, he's proven many times, that his judgement just cannot be trusted.



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