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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Intelligence on Vietnam War 'faked'? Seriously?

This late-breaking news revelation, is about as old as the Vietnam War itself. I can't believe this is being put out as if it's something we didn't know about, a loooong time ago.

"ONE of America's top spy agencies faked key intelligence used to justify its intervention in the Vietnam War, it has been revealed."

"But the revelation was kept secret by the National Security Agency, partly because of fears that it would boost criticism of the intelligence services over the war in Iraq."

"According to material uncovered by the NSA's own historian, Robert Hanyok, middle-ranking officers altered material relating to the Gulf of Tonkin incident."

This is the third article I've seen today about this, and none of them have bothered to mention that this revelation was in fact, revealed decades ago. This came out back in the 70s, before the war even ended.

This is but one reason I always end up pissed whenever I read or watch news reports. The selective memories of the people who inform us, is truely incredible.

This is what you see when you reach a certain age, and have lived through a number of historical events. You learn that the media cannot be trusted with history. You see things being reported about the past, that never happened, or happened in a completely different way. And, as in this case, media amnesia.



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