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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bush’s popularity hits new low

"Poll: Majority of Americans question the presidents' integrity"

Well here's another one of those polls that say Bush is in trouble, but remember, he's still got 3 more years. And no, nobody has yet polled me about anything, let alone about Bush.

I still question the accuracy of polls, mostly because there are two types of people; the ones who jump at the chance to be involved in a survey, any survey, and those who don't. They may share the same opinions about many things, but only one of them wants to participate. Not every one wants to fill out forms, be stopped on the street and questioned, or accept a phone call, from a pollster. So, when they say "Most Americans......", they mean only most of those few that decided to participated, instead of hanging up, or walking away. They assume that that small percentage is representative of a whole population.

Yes I know, they put a lot of time, effort, and money, into studying demographics and putting everyone into nice neat little packages, but from my own personal experience, from school to Jobs to friends and family and aquaintances, I know many people of similar economic, social, religious, and political ideologies, who have widely differing views from each other. The people of similar demographics that I know, cannot be counted on to agree on anything. So how can one be counted on to speak for many others?

Also, I've seen enough polls to know it's seldom reported what they actually ask the people. In other words, you really don't think that the people responding to this poll were asked; "Do you question the presidents' integrity?", hmm? What are the exact questions? The what, and how they ask, can and has be debated, because you can ask a question, get answers, then word it differently, and get a completely different answer, even from the same people who responded the first time, even though the new wording didn't actually change the question. It all depends on who gives the survey, who pays for it, and their motivations.

Polling results only serve the people who have an agenda to push. In my opinion, people are too easily swayed by current events, so that the pollsters, as well as the sponsors of it, know that tomorrows headlines will result in a new opinions. And that's because the general population is all too willing to be influenced by those who tell them how they are supposed think, and what they're supposed to think about.

Right now, the Bush team is working hard to find out just what needs to be tweaked, to get you all back on their side.

And oh, BTW, keep in mind that just a wee bit more than half the voting public voted for him in both elections, so almost half the people didn't want him in the first place, soooo, when this poll says that 60% disapprove of him, perhaps half of those, never trusted him from the begining.

(whew) Ok, I'm done ranting, for now.........



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