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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Monday, November 07, 2005

US does not torture, Bush insists

""We do not torture," Mr Bush told reporters during a visit to Panama.

He said enemies were plotting to hurt the US and his government would pursue them, but would do so "under the law". "

Well now we're supposed to be stupid. We're supposed to continue to believe that the soldiers convicted of torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison was an anomaly. We're supposed to believe that the practice of "rendition" doesn't involve our sending our prisoners to known torture states, for the specific purpose of being tortured. We're supposed to believe that our method of torture by proxy, means that "we" are not involved in what other countries do to our prisoners. We're supposed to believe that the CIAs' not-so-secret international prison system does not, has not, and would never, commit torture.

He seems unable to understand that his faith-based Presidency, no longer has the mesmeric hold on the populous that he once enjoyed.

For those that don't understand what I mean by "faith-based Presidency", it refers to the political tactic he (and the other republicans) used to sweep into office. His successful courtship of the Religious Right meant that his subjects, who are used to "believing" in their own religious ideology, came to have faith, and just believe, in the President. Faith in whatever he says, and whatever he does.

Unfortunately, he has proven time and again, that what he says, is not always the truth. Yet still, he insists that his flock, just believe.



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