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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Consultants Advisory Group (CAG) Spying in Haiti

"I seem to have uncovered a strange little black ops organization that's spying in Haiti and elsewhere. Not long ago, they were also looking to drum up some business in the US in the Homeland Security market. I got a few tips from whistleblowers. But all of the most substantial information has come from one of their own employees who wrote me a number of long letters."

"This post covers a lot of ground, ranging from a mysterious company owned by US ex-pats placing spies disguised as journalists in the audience of Haitian presidential debates, to CAG arranging for the detention of people who wrote to me to ask for information about CAG and complain about CAG's involvement in human rights violations in Haiti. So bear with me. This is my second post about CAG, and part of an ongoing series on Top Cat Marine Security."

This is an intriguing tale, highlighting what appears to be a growing trend; corporate thugs for hire.

In the old days, American companies would create a presence in a foreign land, and if they had enough money to throw around, would use some of it to buy U.S. political or military presure to force countries into corporate compliance. Keep those governments corrupt, and they'd allow these (fruit, tobbaco, rubber, chemical, oil, etc,.) companies to ravage their lands and abuse their workforce. Tons of examples of that throughout Central and South America. When they rebelled, the companies paid our government to step in. This is why Chavez of Venezuela is currently making noise. He's rebelling against multi-national corporate abusers, and their political/military 'enforcers'. Is it any wonder that those that rebel, shift towards socialism, after the way capitalism has treated them? Not that socialism's any better. Whatever corporate abuse takes place here in America, it's multiplied a hundred fold in countries that are kept weak, poor, and powerless. We, of course, reap the benefits of cheap foreign made goods. You think it's worth it, to live in comfort, at the expence of so many others? (sorry, I'm side-tracking again)

What also used to happen was that when our governments' intervention was necessary, it would create it's own front companies, manned and operated by intelligence agents. One of those examples was the CIAs' Vietnam-era airline, Air America.

But today, instead of the government being in direct control of these operations, they're begining to 'outsource' them to private 'security companies', usually staffed by former military personnel, former police, former intelligence agents, and other mercenaries. Only some, not all of these companies, are U.S. based. We see this in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are a number of private security companies working there. You hear about them sometimes, like when they get themselves killed, they're reported as "private contractors". Sometimes we outsource to companies, that in turn, hire private security as "subcontractors". One such "general contractor" company you may recognize; Halliburton. These companies are making a fortune, especially wherever there's a war.

PBS' Frontline series did a program on their use in Iraq, and you can watch it online if you like. Their website also lists a number of articles on the subject too. Here's the link...

With all that in mind, CAG appears to be an outsourced company working directly for either some government, or corporate interest, that is trying to manipulate Haiti to it's advantage. Ever wonder why such a small country (as well as others of this hemisphere), never seems to be able to stabilize? If not for outside manipulation for years, that has kept people south of our border in a constant state of poverty, they could've had a chance to stabilize and prosper long ago. Or maybe not, who can tell, many have never been allowed. And it looks like Haiti still won't be allowed to try this time either.



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