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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, January 06, 2006

Dr. Germ and Mrs. Anthrax Set Free

"Why is it not bigger news that those infamous Iraqi female scientists once routinely referred to in the media as “Dr. Germ” and “Mrs. Anthrax” have been quietly released from imprisonment in Iraq without any charges being brought by their U.S. captors? Don’t the newspapers and TV networks that all but pre-convicted them of crimes against humanity owe them—and us—the courtesy of an explanation for the sudden presumption of their innocence?"

Once again, falls another excuse for war. Once again, we find that not only can we not trust anything this government says, we cannot even trust the press to do it's job in not taking the governments word for everything. Again we see how the media simply "believes" everything they say, but is also reluctant when it comes to revealing the truth when it does manage to seep out. Even after a story like this is exposed (several days ago), where are the corrections by the media, explaining that "they got it wrong"?

There is so much talk of the lack of credibility in government, and in particular, this administration, but with each revelation of government misdeeds, we also find a stark lack of credibility in the very institutions tasked with reporting the truth. Instead of being advocates of honest government, they're found all but complicit in the deceptions fed to us by our leaders.

They think no one is watching. They think that by exposing sensational stories like the NSA spying on Americans, no one is paying attention to the fact that they helped hide the story from the public in the first place. They think that by quietly allowing a story like the one I linked to, to pass by without much comment, no one will remember how much they simply took the word of government as fact, and repeated it to us, over and over. Is it simple laziness on their part, or are they actually the willing tools state authority? Hint: media is big business, and big business is in it only for the money, and big businessmen are always in partnership with big government, both of whom are in it for the money and power over....you.



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