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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

More Abu Ghraib Photos

"Some of the photos are similar to those published in 2004, others are different. They include photographs of six corpses, although the circumstances of their deaths are not clear. There are also pictures of what appear to be burns and wounds from shotgun pellets."

"The executive producer of Dateline, Mike Carey, said he was showing the pictures leaked to his program because it was important people understood what had happened at Abu Ghraib."

"Seven US guards were jailed following publication of the first batch of Abu Ghraib photographs in April 2004.'

Here are more of the photos the administration has been trying to keep secret, since they just might give the world the wrong impression of our noble cause. It's about time more were leaked, as they clearly contradict our Fearless Leaders' words that; "we don't do torture". We obviously do.

It's funny that with our history of instructing and demonstrating to the security forces of dictatorships we've supported in the past, on how to torture and abuse people, we never got around to instructing our own rookie torturers not to document their handywork by taking pictures. Our seasoned, professional toturers within our intelligence agencies would never make such mistakes, since it removes the "our word against theirs" argument.

Still, as in the past, it will be explained away as being committed by just a few over-enthusiastic "bad apples", and the true criminals whose orders they're following, will pay no price at all.



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