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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Sunday, February 19, 2006

UK radiation jump blamed on Iraq shells

"Radiation detectors in Britain recorded a fourfold increase in uranium levels in the atmosphere after the “shock and awe” bombing campaign against Iraq, according to a report."

"Environmental scientists who uncovered the figures through freedom of information laws say it is evidence that depleted uranium from the shells was carried by wind currents to Britain."

"Government officials, however, say the sharp rise in uranium detected by radiation monitors in Berkshire was a coincidence and probably came from local sources."

This article wastes its' time in a dabate as to whether or not the depleted uranium ammunition we used against Iraq caused fallout as far away as Britain. The REAL issue is that we used them at all. We used them in the first Gulf War as well as the second, but there were only a few mentions of it during the first one, then it disappeared from the media. What we've done, in my mind, amounts to a war crime, since we've contaminated the population (and probably the whole region, along with our troops) with radiation that will likely affect them for decades.



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