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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, February 17, 2006

Haiti election authority says fraud tainted vote

"Haiti's presidential election was tainted by signs of fraud including blank ballots that represented a third of the votes cast in some polling stations, electoral authorities said on Friday."

"The conclusion of fraud served as a defense of the Provisional Electoral Council's decision a day earlier to hand the election to Rene Preval, a champion of Haiti's poor who had complained over the ballot irregularities. The finding conflicts with statements from some international organizations."

I'm glad to see this. In spite of all the efforts of the elite minority, the U.S., and a few other governments, they failed to prevent the election of someone who appears to care for the poor majority. In case you missed them, check back to the articles linked in these posts to see some of the attempts to subvert the election:

Consultants Advisory Group (CAG) Spying in Haiti

U.S. Gvt. Funding Anti-Lavalas Groups in Haiti

Haiti and the hidden hand of Washington

Now comes phase two. Having failed to get a puppet elected, the show isn't over for those that work behind the scenes. If the pattern continues, attempts will be made to persuade Preval to drop his pants and bend over for the ones that wish to keeps things as they are. If he doesn't accept bribes, or cower to threats on his life, then more money will be spent buying the loyalty of opposition groups to incite unrest. They'll pay to produce another coup to install a corporate-friendly government. They'll do whatever's necessary to get their way.

The only thing in Prevals' favor right now, is the same thing that allowed so many other changes in the politics of our "backyard"; the conquest of the middle-east. If not for the focus on the securing of the worlds oil resources, in the guise of the war on terror, many of the newly elected leaders in this hemisphere would not be in power. With Haitis' history though, I suspect Prevals' days may be numbered anyway.

But I'd loved to be wrong. I'd love to be wrong on most everything I say in all my posts. Time will tell, it always does.



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