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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, February 17, 2006

Abu Ghraib - Real Video

"Back in 2004 when the first shocking pictures were originally leaked, the world recoiled in horror, but since then the Bush Administration has fought tooth and nail to prevent the American public from seeing any new images of the treatment of Iraqi detainees, but tonight Dateline reporter Olivia Rousset reveals new photos and videos. Despite the currently overheated international climate, we are showing them because they show the extent of the horror that occurred at Abu Ghraib. A serious warning though - some of the images you're about to see are pretty confronting and may offend some of you."

From this page you can see an Australian Dateline program, in imbedded Real Video, or Flash, as well as several photos taken during the same period as those released in 2004. Do not watch if you have a weak stomach.

Since the scapegoats for these crimes have already been tried and sentenced, I don't expect anything more will be done to prevent this in the future, since our open policy is to torture anyone we want. I don't expect any higher officials to be held responsible either. I do expect that there are now standing orders, likely from the Whitehouse, that no more visual evidence of our crimes be taken, as they cause people to forget we are the "good guys". We are, aren't we?.......aren't we? Ok, don't answer that.



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