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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Causes of Poverty - Global Issues

"Poverty is the state for the majority of the world’s people and nations. Why is this? Is it enough to blame poor people for their own predicament? Have they been lazy, made poor decisions, and been solely responsible for their plight? What about their government? Have they pursued policies that actually harm successful development? Such causes of poverty and inequality are no doubt real. But often less discussed are deeper and more global causes of poverty."

"Behind the increasing interconnectedness promised by globalization, are global decisions, policies, and practices. These are typically influenced, driven, or formulated by the rich and powerful. These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions, and influential people."

"In the face of such enormous external influence, the governments of poor nations and their people are often powerless. As a result, in the global context, a few get wealthy while the majority struggle."

In this section of the Global Issues website, you can come to a better understanding of why you can't just assume that the poverty stricken, be they individuals or nations, are entirely responsible for their lot in life. We all should already know that those with the money hold all the power, and when those without it, are in need, they're at the mercy of the powerful who exact a high price for their illusion of "help".

The "have" countries, who are usually responsible for creating poor countries, through past colonial empires and wars of conquest, pretend to extend a helping hand to poorer nations, but are in reality, imposing conditions on the "help" that will ensure the impossibility of the poor countries ever getting out of debt. Those countries are forced into economic and political servitude that keeps them weak and vulnerable to external exploitation and manipulation. It is to the advantage of the rich and powerful that a sizable underclass is perpetually maintained. When people and nations are empowered and self reliant, they're very hard to take advantage of.

This site goes much deeper into detail than my little ramblings, and will be a good education for the uninformed.



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