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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Iraq vet quits Senate race

"An Iraq war veteran angrily quit the Ohio Senate race Tuesday, claiming he was double-crossed by Sen. Charles Schumer and other leaders of his own Democratic Party."

"Paul Hackett charged that "behind-the-scenes machinations" by Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., cut off his campaign money to avoid a potential primary faceoff with Rep. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio."

"Hackett, a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Reserves, said he was quitting politics rather than take the party's advice to run again for the House in Cincinnati's suburbs."

The Democrats have once again shot themselves in the foot, and sabotaged what could've become a legitimate counter to the Republican agenda. They're so busy trying to help their long-time colleagues that they keep bypassing fresh prospects. With no real platform to compete, they still let a war veteran go that could shine light through the fuzzy cloud the administration and its' party have pulled down over the publics eyes. We hear so little from the current wars' vets, that it's unconscionable for them to let an opportunity like this to get by, especially in the midst of all the corruption revelations against their opponants. They should be embracing these veterans, and holding them up to help prove the deceptions of the conduct of the war, and lack of any government respect for the returning vets.

To judge for yourself just how badly they screwed up, read what the Republicans said about it:

"The GOP pounced on Hackett's exit as a "Valentine's Day" gift from the Democrats that would take the spotlight off national and Ohio Republican corruption scandals."

"The Democratic Party bosses dumped a candidate with mainstream vote-getting potential for one of their most liberal members," said National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Dan Ronayne."

This is why no one who wants to see a 'regime change' here at home should sit back and hope the Dems will come to the rescue, they won't. The politicians already in charge are the ones that need to be dealt with, and not rely on their incompetent competitors.



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