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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, March 24, 2006

Depleted Uranium For Dummies

"Everything you need to know about depleted uranium. Every day our troops remain in Iraq increases the chances that they will come home sick, produce children with birth defects, and die prematurely."

"Under the direction of Secretary of Defense Cheney, the 1991 Gulf War began with a "shock and awe" bombing campaign that destroyed large biological laboratories, chemical plants, and nuclear enrichment facilities, most of them around Baghdad. Many sites were illegally supplied by the Reagan-Bush administration, in which both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld served, so the United States government knew their locations."

"Biological, chemical and nuclear weapons damage the bodies of soldiers in distinct ways. The first employs deadly bacteria and viruses to cause known illnesses. The second uses poisonous, or toxic, substances to attack the body's chemistry. Nuclear weapons, such as depleted uranium (D.U.), were unimaginable before World War II. They attack the body with invisible radioactive energy that, as you will soon read, produces a wider variety of symptoms that develop over a longer period of time. Radioactive heavy metal particles embedded in the body are both radioactive and toxic."

"Biological, chemical and nuclear weapons can potentially "blow back." Once they are released, they can kill and maim civilians as well as enemy soldiers. Hence all three have been banned by international treaties which the United States signed."

That last sentence means that every time we knowingly target and destroy those types of facilities, we are, as far as I'm concerned, committing a war crime. Every time we drop a depleted uranium bomb, we're also committing a war crime. I've brought up those depeted uranium weapons before, noting how little we ever hear about them in the media. I said before that we were subjecting our own troops to exposure from those nuclear weapons, and make no mistake, that's what they are, nuclear weapons.

Do you remember back during the Reagan administration, when there was a big debate about the proposed production of a new type of nuclear weapon called a "neutron bomb"? These weapons were supposed to be nuclear bombs, without the mess. They were to be used for the sole purpose of destroying living organisms (humans), while leaving structures intact. Well, the whole world reeled at the thought of such a weapon, because by it being less desructing to property, it was thought to be much more likely to be used. A bomb that wipes out people, but leaves their cities intact (the same result as chemical and bio weapons), was unthinkable to the general public, and helped gain more momentum for the growing anti-nuclear movement that was popular during the Reagan years. Well these DU weapons we've been using extensively since the first Gulf War, are nothing less than small versions of the neutron bomb.

The use of these weapons will cause health problems for people in the region as well as our own troops, for many decades to come. This is the reality of how our government "supports the troops". Those hypocritical bastards demean anyone who speaks ill of the war, saying it demoralizes the troops, and that everyone should "support the troops" by not questioning the government, and thinking happy thoughts. Meanwhile, the bastards are exposing those same troops that they pretend to be so concerned about, to nuclear radiation and other toxic substances. That, in addition to their other acts of supporting our troops that includes keeping them undermanned, underprotected, mismanaged, and let's not forget, forcing them to become torturers and murderers, are all to secure energy sources before the wells run dry.

I won't carry on any longer on this because the article itself is rather long and informative. But the worst part of the whole article, is that its' topic is non-existent in the mainstream media. Those lap dogs share the guilt for all the deaths and suffering caused by our use of these weapons, because they remain so silent on this.



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