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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Friday, March 24, 2006

The End Of Civilization

"I had a mild epiphany the other day: it’s not President Bush who’s living in a fantasy world, it’s most of his critics who are. I’m no apologist for Bush – I neither like nor dislike him. He’s no more significant to me than a fly buzzing around outside my window. So permit me to explain my reasoning."

"People look at Bush’s invasion of Iraq and see a miserable failure. But a failure to do what? Democratize Iraq? Eliminate Iraq’s WMD arsenal? Reduce global terrorism? If those were, in fact, the reasons for invading Iraq, then the invasion would have to be classified as a failure. But what if the real reason was to secure Iraq’s oil supplies, perhaps not for immediate use, and perhaps not even for use by the United States? Then the invasion of Iraq would have to be judged a success, a “mission accomplished,” so to speak."

"Or take Bush’s seemingly irresponsible handling of the domestic economy. How can any sane person fail to understand that cutting revenue while increasing spending will produce deficits, and that those deficits cannot increase in perpetuity? Sooner or later that accumulated debt has got to have consequences. Bush appears to be acting as if there were no tomorrow. But what if there really were no tomorrow, financially speaking? In that case, the reckless economic policies of today would not only be irrelevant, but might actually be shrewd. I mean, if one knows that he is not going to have to pay back his debts tomorrow, then why not borrow money like crazy today? In fact, if civilization is coming to an end, then why not use all that borrowed money to stock up on guns and vital resources, such as oil?"

This is a long and interesting piece that accurately, in my opinion, details the problems we're going to encounter when oil gets scarce. We don't really know for certain when the time will come, but it's inevitable that long before oil runs out completely, there's going to be hell on earth for most of the people on the planet.

Much of what this guys says, I've brought up in the past, such as believing that our wars, contrary to the way they appear, are preceeding exactly as our leaders originally intended. The belief that the government and the media are in collusion to keep the masses distracted by stupid nonsense, while so much important information is getting little exposure. Much of what he thinks may come to pass as a result of the lack of oil, I also believe.

I really think everyone should read this because time's running out and the river of oil will eventually dry up taking most of us with it. It doesn't matter whether the real trouble will break out in 10, or 50 years, the point is, that the course of human events are about to be dramatically altered by a lack of everything that depends on oil, and everyone needs to begin to prepare. This is no longer about "if", it's about "when", and "when" gets closer each day. People need to start thinking about how to survive without the use of any petroleum based products, including food and energy. Waiting for government or industry to lead the way, to educate, and prepare you, just isn't going to happen, you're on you own, whether you like it or not.



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