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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The New World Order Story

Normally I post a quote from articles first, then proceed to speak my piece, but this is one exception. I figured that when you read the title of this article, you might run for cover without bothering to read further. I wouldn't blame you. Though I've always suspected something just wasn't right about the official version of the events surrounding 9/11, most of what I was running into in the realm of "conspiracy theories", just didn't seem to be supported by any facts that could stand the light of day. Most just seemed to be based on a few discrepancies in the official account, followed by theories that seemed just as wild as alien abductions, the Hollow Earth theory, and faked moon landings.

But I must admit to not spending much time on it, as I'd mainly focused my attention on the aftermath, that has resulted in our increased aggression abroad, and deterioration of civil liberties at home. I'd always intended to look deeper into the alleged "plot" that is supposed to involve our own government in the events of 9/11. I've been spending some time recently doing just that, and have discovered that in addition to unanswered questions, there appears to have been at least a conspiracy by our government to hide certain facts. Little by little I've been seeing that almost all of the official story can be refuted, not by wild theories, but by facts that came out, and are still coming out, since that fateful day.

That brings me to this article. It'll take a while to read and soak in, but regular readers of this blog will recognize many of the points made in it, as points I've made in the past. This piece does not simply begin and end on that one day, it puts a sociological and historical perspective to the "story" that makes it easy to understand the motivations that would lead the power structure to conceive and implement such an atrocity as intentionally sacrificing thousands of it's own citizens in the pursuit of wealth, power, and glory. It puts the events of that day in a much wider perspective. The author also sprinkles the article with plenty of source material, giving names, books, articles, and websites, to show his thought process.

What I liked most about this, was that the author doesn't claim to have any definitive "proof" or "smoking gun", but rather points you in the direction of the discrepancies, and shows you why the official account is strongly lacking in explanations of the governments own so-called "facts", that just don't fit the evidence. The author doesn't waste time on nonsense, but sticks with known facts that raise questions that must be answered, understood, and corrected, before the flame of this Democratic Republic goes out for good. This is a "here's what I have, you make the call" type of essay, and I stongly suggest reading this, regardless of whether or not you have doubts about what is supposed to have happened on 9/11, or events surrounding it.

"As we struggle to put the events of and following 9-11-2001 into the most complete perspective, we’re hampered by having to find a way through the minefields of "conspiracy theory" accusations. There are so many parts to consider, it’s almost impossible to argue from any one event. If we argue that the Bush administration was complicit in the attacks of 9-11 — that they intentionally murdered 3,000 Americans in order to further their imperialistic agenda abroad and their transformation of America into a command-and-control plutocracy here at home — a hundred others will pick holes in individual pieces of the 9-11 conspiracy theory, and derail the argument rather than clarifying or advancing it. It’s like trying to pick up Jell-O without the bowl."

"Nor can this ever be a merely intellectual game. Suggesting that our own leaders orchestrated the murders of 9-11 — while proposing Arab Muslims as perhaps no more than the fictional enemy toward which they hope to direct American scorn and fury — this idea evokes deep and powerful resentment and resistance, whether it is true or not."

I'll also take this opportunity to present another website that I'd planned on posting in the future. In the above article, the author goes into questions involving the collapse of the Trade Center Towers, and the website I'm presenting below gives explicit details pointing to those towers being intentionally demolished, and not collapsing due to fire, as claimed by the official account. The information there isn't given by "conspiracy enthusiasts", but rather by scientists and others knowledgible enough to question and dispute the governments' claims. I highly recommend this site as well:

"Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T) is a non-partisan association of faculty, students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and to revealing truths behind 9/11."

"The members of S9/11T are encouraged to take an active role by devoting themselves to reporting the results of research on 9/11 to the nation and the world by means of lectures, articles, and other venues."

"S9/11T members are convinced their research proves the current administration has been dishonest about what happened in New York and Washington, D.C."

"These experts contend that books and articles by members and other associates have established that the World Trade Center was almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions and that the available relevant evidence casts grave doubt on the government's official story about the attack on the Pentagon."



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