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Another Brick In The Wall

The ramblings of a non-conforming, ne'er-do-well, mainly on politics and society.

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Location: United States

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Iran: The Next War

"Has Tony Blair, our minuscule Caesar, finally crossed his Rubicon? Having subverted the laws of the civilized world and brought carnage to a defenseless people and bloodshed to his own, having lied and lied and used the death of a hundredth British soldier in Iraq to indulge his profane self-pity, is he about to collude in one more crime before he goes?"

Listen to Blair in the House of Commons: "It's important we send a signal of strength" against a regime that has "forsaken diplomacy" and is "exporting terrorism" and "flouting its international obligations." Coming from one who has exported terrorism to Iran's neighbor, scandalously reneged on Britain's most sacred international obligations and forsaken diplomacy for brute force, these are Alice-through-the-looking-glass words."

Sent to me by one of my readers, this article is another reminder that we will be going into another war, this time against Iran. It points out again how Iran has yet to be found in violation of anything, despite claims to the contrary.

It also points out the hypocracy of our acceptance of India, Pakistan, and Israels' nuclear programs, that were all conceived in violation of internation law. But those were our friends, so it was ok. There's also a paragraph recalling that the U.S. and U.K. subverted the democratic process in Iran back in '53, which is what directly contributed to the Iranian revolution in '79, that in turn, led to the government there today. That's what's called "blowback", when actions come back and blow up in your face. There's no denying that the current government there now, is all our doing. Our installation and support of the Shah created such intolerable conditions that that Iranians had to overthow their own government. It must have been a sad day in the lives of the neocons when they realize that President Carter wasn't going to lift a finger to reinstate our puppet.

Well now's the time to put things the way certain people feel they should be; an entire region of governments that are completely compliant to our energy needs, and loving neighbors of Irael. The trouble is, it's going to cost hundreds of thousands of lives (at minimum) before that task is complete. It's going to create countless war crimes and atrocities, committed by the good guys. It's going to create more terrorism, which will serve as an excuse to eliminate all the freedoms the so-called free world has enjoyed for so long, to insure that the puppet masters and their corporate sponsors stay in power, unopposed.

Nothing about what's being said of Iran should be taken at face value. Too many did that prior to our invasion of Iraq, and it's since been proven that everything they said then was a lie, and so far, they've gotten away with it. Anyone that's read even a little of this Iraq Report knows, the intelligence the Bush administration got about Iraq, was all true. The truth was that Iraq didn't have WMD, was no threat to anyone, and had absolutely nothing to do with "the terrorists". That was what all the worlds intelligence agencies, as well as our own, said before, and after 9/11, but that wasn't what Bush wanted to hear. His plan long before 9/11 was to invade Iraq, and 9/11 provided the excuse, as that report states. It also makes very clear that those Downing Street Memos prove beyond doubt that both Bush and Blair knew there were no legitimate reasons to go into Iraq, so they had to manufactured some; WMD and terrorism. That report points out that it was Bush and Cheney that insisted the intel community go back an come up with evidence that Iraq had WMD, and was involved with 9/11, AFTER being told the exact opposite. Bush conspired with Blair, and Blair had his intel "readjusted" properly, back in Britain. Later, Bush would make a half-assed appology about being responsible for going into Iraq because he relied on faulty intelligence. That was lie. He forced them to intentionally give him information that they knew was bad, and the administration knew was bad, but it would be good enough to convince people of an imminent threat, that didn't exist.

Well, that's the truth of the current war, and now those same characters are playing the same song in order to get at Irans' oil fields. And if you're concerned at all about the tough talk coming out of Iran these days, just remind yourself of all the tough talk that came out of Iraq before the invasion. We know now that Saddam was all bluff, and both the U.S. and U.K. governments knew it at the time. So did France, Germany, Russia, and others, who never participated or supported the invasion.

It was learned years ago that those neocons have felt the need to take control, by force, of middle eastern countries for their oil, and to eliminate any threats to Israel. Iraq was to be delt with first, then Iran, Syria, and any other country whose government stands in their way. What I find amazing is that they're using the exact same methods to go after Iran, except this time they've been preparing us for the possible use of nuclear weapons to deal with Iran. That makes sense when you remember just how bad off our military is, with their desperate recuiting tactics. Our military is overstreched, and can't invade a country like Iran without using nukes.

Fear worked before, and apparently it's working again, as the article of this previous post shows: In U.S. Public's Eyes, Iran Biggest Foreign Menace. Once they're confident they've built up enough lies and fear, they'll strike. There's talk that Israel may make the first move, by launching an air strike at a "suspected" nuclear facility, just as they did with Iraq years ago. If that happens, then, it won't matter whether Iran tries to retaliate or not, because we'll step in and insist Isreal's in immediate danger, and we'll be "forced" to act fast and come to it's aide. It won't matter if Israel strikes first, we'd defend their air strike stronger than we did the last time. That scenario may not be necessary as long as enough fear is generated in the U.S., and in it's faithful side-kick the U.K.

Some guess that whatever is going to happen, will happen near the end of this month. If they're correct, it's going to be another bloody springtime.



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